[announce] Magnolia Blossom 3.0.4 Released
Tobias Mattsson (via Magnolia Forums)
2014-10-24 09:16:49 UTC
Magnolia Blossom 3.0.4 has been released. This is a minor update that adds support for setting the node creation flag on areas, and for flash attributes when using placeholder and uuid redirects.



Release notes

Version 3.0.4
Minor update that adds support for setting the node creation flag on areas, and for flash attributes when using
placeholder and uuid redirects. To enable flash support the standard RequestMappingHandlerAdapter has to be replaced
with the specialized BlossomRequestMappingHandlerAdapter. For more details see https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12054.


* BLOSSOM-181 Flash attributes not working with uuid redirects
* BLOSSOM-189 BlossomDispatcherServlet should implement all DispatcherServlet constructors
* BLOSSOM-191 Area annotation should also support area node creation flag

We'd like to thank everyone that has invested time in testing and providing feedback. Special thanks goes out to
Frank Sommer and Andreas Antener.
Context is everything: http://forum.magnolia-cms.com/forum/thread.html?threadId=787b484c-885f-423a-96d0-1c2dac668a64

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