Best way to access DAM images
Dominik Jednoralski (via Magnolia Forums)
2014-10-22 13:40:36 UTC
Dear Magnolians,

I'm wondering what would be the best way to access images that have been stored and published as assets.

I did the "Starting a CE project with Maven" tutorial and have created a template definition.


In my assets app, I have a folder "catPictures" which contains a "cat.jpg" image. What strikes me is how I refer to the image from the public instance, which is


Looks neither intuitive nor correct to me. What would be a better / the best way to refer to images stored in the asset app?

Many thanks in advance,

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Dominik Jednoralski (via Magnolia Forums)
2014-10-23 07:51:11 UTC
Hi Dominik,

thanks for your question. Surely you understand that images cannot be easily displayed as they live in the deep of some JCR node and that's high-tech. To make this even a little more challenging for developers, we made them deal with the operation chains, workspaces, generators and parameters that we like to call x, y and z in our tutorial.

But back to your problem. What you did there looks a little like you took the image URI from the image preview in Magnolia's author instance. That's just not best practice. Better carefully go through the tutorial here


and come back as soon as you know how to apply a filter.

Good luck,

Context is everything: http://forum.magnolia-cms.com/forum/thread.html?threadId=677ad06d-0c12-4d12-baa8-5f0547bbcf57

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